Monday, March 12, 2007

The BST team visits the "Motor City"

Despite visiting during the transition from the old to the new camera line up the BST team had a successful visit. Inventories were low since most products were discontinued and new products have not yet hit the shelves.

The BST sold what was available. During the two weekends the team sold 15 appliance printers, 15 bundles, and27 cameras.

The team would like to thank the local DSM Mike Krause providing great support as always! Here you can see Mike showing off his BMX extreme biking skills!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

BST visits Chicago...

It was cold in the windy city! Despite the wind and snow the BST team had another successful visit. In two weekends the team sold 15 bundles, 14 appliance printers and 27 cameras in two weekends. The team also trained over 24 reps in store.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

The Whole BST Team Visits Sundance....

HP had another great Sundance Film Festival. Everyone that came to Sundance had fun times to remember. The BST team made sure they captured those memories by giving out thousands of photos.

Anyone who attended the festival could have a photo album and take pictures at five locations.

Above you can see HP showcasing the Photosmart line at parties.

To the left is the HP Snapshot Chalet the hub of all the action. Thousands of movie goers came through to experience the product first hand.

The Chalet was also the location consumers came to pick up photos and enter the "Snap 4 Sweepstakes." Each day HP gave away Photosmart products to 3 lucky winners.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy Holidays from Southern California!

It is hard to believe the tour has been on the road for over a year!

This holiday season was definitely one to remember. All November and December the west coast team traveled southern California.

In less than two months the BST west team sold 28 bundles, 285 cameras, and 365 appliance printers!

We know there will be a lot of happy holiday memories captured with HP photosmart products.

Friday, December 15, 2006

BST visits Orange County California...

The BST team had a chance to hit the streets this week. The crew visited the Irvine Spectrum in Orange County California.

In two days the team handed out hundreds of photos to many excited consumers.

Monday, November 13, 2006

The BST South Central team kicked off our leg of the tour in Dallas, TX. With a little help from the West Coast Team we sold 38 HP products our first weekend out. We followed that up with 31 products the next weekend, and finished the Dallas leg off with 20 products sold. We're really excited to be out on the road representing HP and showing off all the cool cameras and printers. It's on to Houston........Wish us Luck!!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

BST visits Pheonix...

You can feel the holidays approaching. During their time in Phoenix the BST team sold 5 bundles, 15 appliance printers and 39 cameras!

Consumers loved the ease of use of the HP photosmart products.

Here Chris shows a consumer the 727 camera.